Monday, August 31, 2009

Fantasia Mania

While Fantasia 2000 was enjoyed by all I know because it was a product of our own time, you can never beat the classic that is the original Fantasia, animated and released in 1940. It was made during a high point for Disney, they were at the top and they were the only film company strong enough to attempt something so out of the box. While it was something quite amazing for its time, it did not make money for quite some time. Just as there are kids these days that attempt to be artsy while in reality being snotty, Fantasia was to artsy for its own good. "Fantasia was Art with a capital 'A'." That is too say, according to critics, it seemed a true masterpeice. Like the artsy teenager, Disney seemed to think so too, and they only showed it in the few theatres around the country that had good enough acoustics to showcase the beautiful orchestration. It therefore took many years for money to be made. Nevertheless, with a work of art that good, its not about how many dollars you make, is it?
Here's a few interesting tidbits about the movie throughout the years:
  • in the 60's, pot-smokers loved it because of extraordinary surrealism
  • the vhs version has been altered for political correctness, a scene with a black centaur shining the hoofs of a white centaur mysteriously dissapeared
  • mickey mouse has his biggest movie role in fantasia
  • unlike many pastoral disney films, fantasia has scenes of dying dinosaurs that can easily scare children out of their wits
Fantasia seems to be a classic that will most likely endure for a long time. The complexity of the animation and orchestration are a feat for the early 1940's and the depth is something that should be studied by all.

Sunday, August 30, 2009


animal: Contrary to popular beleif animals are not just mammals, an animal can be a fish, reptiles, insects, birds and mammals. Animals are living and breathing creatures that have brains and a digestive system. Scientifically, what separates animals from plants are cell walls. Animals do not have them.

human: A human is a two-legged animal with an advanced brain. Right now, in 2009 humans are and have been the most 'advanced' species on the planet, as we have technology and have connected the world so that information can travel across the world in a matter of seconds. humans are very forward thinking but also very selfish at times. While the combination of the two usually has good results, it often causes a catastrophe

nature: Nature is the real world. We humans create all kinds of artificial buildings, cities and much much more. Nature is the world that has not been touched by human progress and it consists of many different landscapes; deserts, rain forests, mountains just to name a few. Nature is beautiful in all aspects. Many humans take their inspiration for artificial manufacturing from nature, such as Gaudi, a Spanish architect.

wild: The term 'the wild' can also be used to describe nature but with a much different connotation. Humans call the nature wild because it is not tame and has not been conquered by them. Just as an uncontrollable and vicious animal may be wild, a natural environment such as the Sierra Nevada mountains may be considered wild, because it is a sanctuary for nature where humans may not permanently invade.

moral: In a story, a moral is the message that the story leaves you with, usually through the experiences that characters go through. In human life, morals are very important because they are important values that govern human interactions. Morals include values such as respect, honesty, and fairness. A very important moral is the golden rule, which almost every culture has a version of. This rule advises that one acts towards another with the behavior and attitude with which they would like to receive.

love: Love is a very abstract concept that is interpreted differently by almost everyone in the world. Ideally, love is a perfect harmony between different people, the peak of a relationship. While love may include romance, it is an essential part, as love is about comfort and understand.

life: Life is essentially biological, it is what distinguishes a human from a rock. But for the sake of being philisophical, life is also the existence of all matter. Life ends with death, but to many that is purely a physical condition and life always exists in the spirit, which may be reborn, or exalter.