Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Fascinated by Fantasia

I am constantly in wowed when watching Fantasia, the movie puts me in a perpetual state of awe. The colors, orchestration and imaginative animation meld together into a series of breathtaking emotions. My favorite thing is Fantasia is how it interprets the Sublime vs. Pastoral dichotomy in nature. At this point in time, my personal beliefs are that while Pastoral nature seems utterly serene and blissful, it is the foundation for only a certain type of life. This is a type of life that is predictable and constant. Essentially, from time to time there needs to be something divine thrown into the mix, in the case of Fantasia, a stray lightning bolt or unforgiving sun. From what we have watched so far, Fantasia seems to follow my ideas of nature pretty closely. In the scene of Greek mythology, the life of unicorns, centaurs and Pegasus' family are shown in Pastoral nature. There is a strong sense of community, acceptance of childish innocence that coexists with adult behavior and morals. The relationships between male and female, adult and child and different species all seem to be in harmony. The pastoral world is one of peace and acceptance. It is always one of love and celebration, which seem to be two important values. Much of the scene was focused on the romance between the unicorns, despite a quick connection based on the color of their skin and hair. Regardless, love is idealized and the sanctity of love and harmony and celebrated without rest. But while the world seems to be all fun and games, the divine powers of Zues and Hercules have much more power and control over their lives than the peaceful life suggests. They speed in on a cloud and wreck havoc with lightning bolts, spreading fear instability. Regardless of this intervention, the morals of the creatures remains intact as they all look out for each other. This is similar to the dinosaur scene in which the T-Rex intrudes on the harmony of the herbivores and the Stego defends the whole community. While Pastoral nature is ideal for community, relationships and love, Sublime nature is an intervention that seems to be a test of Pastoral nature. What is stronger, the ties created in the Pastoral scenes or the forces at work in the Sublime onces?

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